Electric Fish is developing a DC microgrid which can accommodate agnostic Electric Vehicle (EV) charging for current and future-ready voltage architectures with a minimal grid connection. Their innovation is a containerized-microgrid, integrating EV chargers with mini grid-scale batteries that can be charged at high-renewable-energy hours of the day to store clean energy – a single module that can support ultrafast charging but acts as a resource, rather than a liability for the grid. This battery storage-integrated EV charging approach can plug into existing electrical infrastructure at a common essential business, such as a gas station, convenience store, or car dealership, without requiring make-ready infrastructure. As a result, trenching and costly infrastructure upgrades like transformer replacements are not required, expediting the permitting process of an equivalent DC Fast charger (350 kW) by up to 17 months.

Get in touch with Electric Fish
Website: https://www.electricfish.co/
Ratepayer Benefit
Grid Reliability
Solution Type