"CalSEED program empowers cleantech startups to pass the valley of death with great non-dilutive funding and partnership networking programs."

Grid Wrap, formerly ADL Technologies, WiRE Wrap (CWW) technology is novel, lightweight, fast and easy to install. The long lasting, reliable, environmentally friendly and cost effective structural composite reinforcement system will be installed and cured in-place around existing Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) transmission lines. The purpose is to increase electric power capacity and decrease the sag of transmission lines.
The composite reinforcement system is a multilayer hybrid composite system consisting of high tensile strength carbon fiber as a structural reinforcement component embedded in basalt fiber as a barrier layer to prevent galvanic corrosion between the carbon fiber and metals with a low longitudinal coefficient of liner thermal expansion.

Get in touch with Grid Wrap
Website: https://gridwrap.com/
Ratepayer Benefit
Reducing Electricity Costs
Energy Efficiency
Solution Type
Thermal Storage