T2M Global develops advanced cleantech solutions for converting wasted resources to higher value co-products to support transition to green economy and sustainable development. T2M Global provides strategic guidance to advanced energy start-ups for converting wasted resources to efficient energy. Our services include:
- Technology Development
- Technology CommercializationStrategic Advisory Services
- Business Development Services
- Technology Evaluation Services
TESOP is a highly innovative modular technology for storing hard-to-capture, low-temperature (<150C) thermal energy. Conventional technology suffers from limitations such as high-temperature dependence, inflexible design, and low efficiency. This patent-pending TESOP technology will utilize specially synthesized osmotic polymers to capture low-temperature and otherwise wasted thermal energy and store it at room temperature. Collected thermal energy will be converted into electrical power using high-flux water membranes coupled with an ultra-high efficiency (>95%) water-turbine, offering the lowest cost electricity at the highest reliability. Flexible TESOP will exploit severely under-used market, harvesting solar-thermal, geothermal, and industrial waste-heat to synergistically complement California’s renewable technology.

Get in touch with T2M Global
Website: https://www.t2mglobal.com/
Ratepayer Benefit
Grid Reliability

Solution Type
Thermal Storage